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Google Ads vs Facebook Ads: What’s the Difference?

Choosing between Google Ads and Facebook Ads might be challenging. Which is ideal for your company is determined by a variety of factors, including the amount of money you’re willing to spend on a conversion and the time and resources you have to manage ad campaigns.

We’ll compare Google Ads and Facebook Ads, including the goals you can achieve on each platform, the visual differences between the two, and the benefits of each for growing your business, so you can make an informed decision about how to grow your business using these advertising platforms.

What exactly are Google Ads and how do they work?

Google Ads, formerly Google AdWords, is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising network where businesses can purchase advertisements. These advertisements appear in search results on or on other websites via Google’s Search Partners or Display Network.

The Search Network is at the heart of Google advertising, allowing marketers to show their advertising to customers who are actively looking for the products or services that your business offers.

Keywords are at the heart of your Search Network strategy. You select keywords related to your product or service, and when a user searches for a query including your phrase, an ad displays on the SERPs for the user to click on.

The advertiser gets charged a fee each time a user clicks on an ad, giving rise to the term “pay-per-click” advertising. You’ll enter a “Max CPC” value for each search, telling Google how much you’re willing to pay for someone to click on your ad.

Overall, the fundamental goal of Google advertising is to bring new (or returning) customers to your website who are actively looking for the product or service you provide.

facebook ads vs google ads

What precisely are Facebook Ads, and how should they be used?

Facebook Ads, like Google Ads, are sponsored advertisements that show on Facebook. Advertisements on Facebook can appear in a variety of places, including:

  • The Facebook News Feed
  • The Instagram Timeline
  • Facebook Marketplace (a platform for selling on Facebook)
  • Left-hand column
  •  Video Feeds in Messenger’s Inbox

Facebook has become a formidable rival over the years, giving the ideal setting for a variety of businesses to advertise, with the most monthly active members of any social media network.

Unlike Google Ads, which appear to have active user intent, Facebook Ads appear to have a more passive user intent.Ads will appear in the Newsfeed of users who are not actively looking for a product or service.

Advantages of Google Ads

Is it worthwhile to spend money on Google Ads? Advertisers appear to be asking this question more frequently than not, but there are a few key differences that distinguish Google Ads. Discover why Google Ads is the most popular and widely used PPC platform.

Google assists you in locating new customers in a variety of ways, which is a key difference and advantage between Google and Facebook.

Identifying Potential Audiences

Any advertising platform, including Google, has the greatest potential audience. Google processes approximately 75,000 search requests every second, averaging almost 2 trillion searches every year, with the potential to reach new users with each search.

Despite Google Ads’ broad reach, it’s worth noting that, aside from keyword targeting, your options are limited to basic user demographics such as age, gender, and income.

There are many different ad formats to pick from.

As Google Ads has risen in popularity, so has the number of ad forms available to marketers.

In addition to the ad types, advertisers can employ sitelink extensions, location extensions, pricing extensions, call extensions, and other add-ons to send qualified visitors for their specific business needs.

Equal Opportunity for Advertisers

Some people feel that having a large digital advertising budget is essential to compete on Google. This is not true!

The Google Ads auction is divided into three stages:

  1. Ad Relevance and Utility
  2.  Is your advertisement relevant and useful?
  3. Ad Extension’s Expected Impact Bid by Keyword The highest amount you’re ready to spend for a click on your advertisement.

Advantages of Facebook Ads

Facebook’s advertising platform debuted in 2007, and it has undergone multiple updates and enhancements since then. The most significant advantage of Facebook Ads is its exact audience targeting, but there are a few other advantages to consider before making your decision.

Targeted Audiences

Facebook today has over 2.37 billion monthly active users, a figure that is expanding by the day. Although this figure is significant in and of itself, Facebook’s true strength lies in its ability to target such a vast number of individuals with such precision.

It’s no secret that Facebook users spend a lot of time on the site.

Users also seek out and interact with content that is relevant to their personal interests, such as local businesses, items, ideas, and services. With all of this information at their disposal, advertisers can use Facebook audience and interest targeting to tailor their advertising to a certain demographic.

Lookalike audiences– One of Facebook’s most well-known targeting options is -which allows an advertiser to upload information about their pre supplied client base to Facebook, which can then construct an audience identical to the original customer base. This new list will target new users who share the same interests and purchase behaviors as existing customers. Isn’t it fascinating?

A large number of people on Facebook 

Facebook is well-known for its massive audience reach, but it is also one of the most cost-effective advertising platforms available today.

facebook marketing

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads Costs

Depending on vertical and area, Facebook CPCs are around 56% lower than Google CPCs on average. While Facebook’s CTR is lower than Google’s, its conversion rate is far higher, sitting around 9-10% on Facebook against 3.75 percent on Google.

Because of its low cost and excellent return on investment, Facebook is an intriguing platform for small businesses trying to maximise their advertising budget.

Ads featuring images facebook vs google

In comparison to Google’s text ads, one of the most significant advantages of Facebook Ads is how beautifully and seamlessly they are integrated into the platform.

The most effective Facebook Ads should blend in with all of the videos, photographs, and other content that a user views in their Newsfeed on a daily basis. Thanks to this connection, advertisers can now display high-quality video and image “sponsored” material without interfering with the flow of information.

Which is better: Google Ads or Facebook Ads?

The best advice is to consider these two major platforms as partners rather than competitors. Paid Search and Paid Social, when combined, are a very effective and comprehensive marketing approach that can have a substantial ROI impact on your organisation.

It all comes down to your business goals and what you want to achieve. If your main KPI is to reach new customers who are in the purchasing process, Google Ads may be a better alternative for you. However, if your primary goal is to increase brand visibility and build a strong following, Facebook will get you there for less money than Google.

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